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WEXFORD COUNTY Property Information

Tax and Property Information

Data being made available include parcel data, aerial photography, zoning data and others. This Interactive GIS Mapping Application allows the user to explore Wexford County Geography with easy to use tools such as parcel searching by parcel number, owner name or address, zooming capabilities and measure distance/area tools.

Wexford County Land Parcel & Property Tax Information


Michigan Subdivision Maps

This system provides access to digital images, with print capability, of the plats and related documents of land subdivisions in the State of Michigan’s plat files. The State of Michigan began maintaining a file of all plats in the state in 1873. A copy of all plats prepared after that date were filed with the State. Beginning in 1909 and completed in 1911, a copy of all plats on file with the 83 county Register of Deeds and recorded prior to 1873 were duplicated and the duplicate copies incorporated into the State’s files. This system includes all plats in the State of Michigan beginning with the plats created under the 1821 territorial act for recording town plats.

Inland Lake Maps by County 

Maps of Michigan Lakes

Michigan boasts more than 11,000 inland lakes. Now you can access 2,700 inland lake maps On-Line. Click on a county for a list of inland lakes in that county.

General Land Office Plats Historical Information

General Land Office (GLO) plat maps are derived from original surveyor notes of the State of Michigan. The survey was conducted in the early to mid 1800’s. All documents pertaining to the original survey of Michigan can be found in the State Archives of Michigan. To view a map, select a county from the State map or list. General Land Office (GLO) plat maps are derived from original surveyor notes of the State of Michigan. The survey was conducted in the early to mid 1800’s

USGS Topographic Quadrangle Maps by County

These maps are furnished thougth Michigan Department of Natural Resources site.

State of Michigan Land and Mineral Ownership Maps

State land ownership information is derived weekly from the Michigan Department of Natural Reources (MDNR) Real Estate Information System (REIS).

Parcel information in REIS is compiled to the quarter-quarter section level, resulting in eight ownership categories. Mapping in this manner will NOT accurately reflect parcel boundaries, however it does identify the presence of state-owned property WITHIN a quarter-quarter section. Multiple parcels with varying types of ownership within a quarter-quarter section result in the combined ownership categories.

The quality and completeness of REIS data is unknown. It is suggested that this data be combined with a second source, such as plat maps, to further identify ownership.

Michigan Historical Markers